Young People in Social Entrepreneurship

The panel Young People in Social Entrepreneurship will be carried out with the students of the Faculty of Economics and Tourism and leading social entrepreneurs in Croatia.

The partners of the project Young People in Social Entrepreneurship, apart from the Faculty of Economics and Tourism in Pula (FET) are Alfa Albona, the Youth Association from Labin, the Municipality of Labin, the high school from Labin and the Local Action Group of the Eastern Istria. The project is funded by the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth. The supporting partners are leading social entrepreneurs in Croatia, CEDRA, Humana Nova, ACT Group and the Association of the Cooperative for the Ethical Financing. During the Summer semester the FET students have been involved in interdisciplinary teams organised as cooperatives, working on the challenges given by the social entrepreneurs. Using the design thinking methodology they came to the solutions and prototypes which were tested three times on various stakeholders, students, social entrepreneurs and general public. At the panel, moderated by one of the leading social entrepreneurs, the students will discuss the project results.

Partneri u projektu Mladi u društvenom poduzetništvu, osim Fakulteta ekonomije i turizma (FET) jesu Alfa Albona, udruga za mlade iz Labina, Grad Labin, srednja škola iz Labina i LAG istočne Istre. Projekt financira Ministarstvo socijalne politike i mladih, a podupiru ga vodeći hrvatski društveni poduzetnici, CEDRA, Humana Nova, ACT grupa i Zadruga za etično financiranje. Tijekom ljetnoga semestra studenti FET-a, organizirani u interdisciplinarne timove (kao zadruge) rješavali su izazove koje su pred njih postavili društveni poduzetnici. Koristeći metodu design thinking izradili su prototipove i tri ih puta testirali na različitim dionicima, od studenata, društvenih poduzetnika do javnosti. Tijekom panel diskusije, koju će moderirati jedna od vodećih društvenih poduzetnica u Hrvatskoj, studenti će predstaviti rezultate projekta.

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