World Environment Day

The event celebrates World Environment Day and consists of exhibitions of photographs, drawings and a creative workshop. This event is dedicated to the public, but especially to the children.

The agenda will include presentations from the organizers on the importance of World Environment Day, in the context of the need to achieve greater public awareness, especially of the younger generation. The event will include a photography exhibition, representing the achievements of NEPA and the County Environmental Protection Agencies, through EU funded projects, made by specialists of NEPA and EPAs. As part of the event, an exhibition of drawings by children who participate in specialized artistic workshops dedicated to children will be held and also a creative workshop. The theme of the exhibition will be “A vision on the future of the environment seen through the eyes of children”. Finally, the most beautiful creations will be awarded. Prizes will be awarded to participants by children.

Agenda evenimentului va cuprinde prezentari din partea organizatorilor privind importanta Zilei Mondiale a Mediului, in contextul necesitatii de a realiza o mai mare constientizare a publicului larg si in special a tinerei generatii. Manifestarea va cuprinde o expoziţie de fotografii, reprezentand realizarile ANPM si ale Agentiilor Judetene de Protectia Mediului, in cadrul proiectelor cu finantare europeana, realizate de catre specialisti din cadrul ANPM si APM-uri. In cadrul manifestarii se va mai desfasura si o expoziţie de desene realizate de copii care participa la cercuri artistice de specialitate, cat şi un atelier de creaţie dedicat copiilor. Expoziţia de desene reprezinta o viziune despre viitorul mediului, vazuta prin ochii copiilor. In final, cele mai frumoase creaţii vor fi premiate. Decernarea premiilor va fi facută de copii.

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