Workshop and Study visit in the theme of sustainable urban mobility

This activity is focused on the point how mobility planning is related to urban development and how exact solutions can be adopted in favor of sustainable mobility in our cities.

The aim of the organizers of the proffesional workshop and study visit from the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Environment Agency is to present good solutions in the field of mobility to the representatives of local governments and the professional public, including transport planning and implementation with regard to inhabitants, cities and regions. At the same time, the participants of the event will create a space for inspiration and mutual sharing of experiences as well as practical examples of good practice on the topic of sustainable urban mobility.

Cieľom organizátorov workshopu a študijnej cesty z Ministerstva životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky a Slovenskej agentúry životného prostredia je predstaviť zástupcom samospráv a odbornej verejnosti dobré riešenia v oblasti mobility, vrátane plánovania a realizácie dopravy s ohľadom na obyvateľov, mestá a regióny. Zároveň účastníkom podujatia vytvorí priestor pre inšpiráciu a vzájomné zdieľanie skúseností ako aj praktických príkladov dobrej praxe k téme udržateľnej mestskej mobility.

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