Waste sorting bins – everybody wins!

Since our municipality just started to supply the households with different bins for sorted waste disposal, our school decided to take an action and make our own bins.

Every class of our school will in the period 20 – 26 Semptember make 4 of their own bins for waste sorting – for paper, plastic, organic and communal waste during the class community lesson in that week. That activity meets the goal of sustainable cities and municipalities, but it is grounded in goals 12, 13, 14 and 15 as well because it raises awareness about the quantity of waste, strenghtens social cohesion of the class and developes creativity and competences for problem solving (concidering material for the bins), so it is improving natural and social environment. As result in activity planning, we will design and make the composter also. The main outcomes of the activity are raising sustainability of the city and visibility of the result  of children participation, to the local community as well to the children themselves.

Svaki će razred u našoj školi u periodu od 20. do 26. rujna na satu razrednog odjela izraditi 4 kante za odvajanje otpada - za papir, plastiku, organski i komunalni otpad. Ova aktivnost odražava cilj održivih gradova i zajednica, ali je utemeljena i u 12., 13., 14. i 15. cilju jer podiže svjesnost o količini otpada i potrebi njegovog smanjivanja, jača grupnu koheziju razreda te razvija kreativnost i kompetencije rješavanja problema (u izboru materijala za kante), tako da poboljšava i prirodni i društveni okoliš. Kao rezultat planiranja, rodila se ideja izrade kompostera. Glavni su ishodi aktivnosti povećana održivost grada te vidljivost rezultata dječje participacije, kako djeci, tako i lokalnoj zajednici.

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