Waste separation – workshop for children

Kindergarten Zvonimir Cviić in Rijeka is implementing the project “The Mediterranean in a nutshell” within which will Udruga Žmergo held workshop related to the topic of this project.

The project “The Mediterranean in a nutshell” is a project for designing outdoor space of kindergarten Zvonimir Cviić in Rijeka. Throughout the project, an access path will be built, which will be complemented with tactile boards. In a small Mediterranean garden will be place for a series of educational workshops such as how to compost and recycle. Udruga Žmergo will help workshop how to properly separate waste and prepare it for recycling. The emphasis will be on 3R – Reduce-Reuse-Recycle together with educational activities and games.

Projekt "Mediteran u malom" projekt je izrade vanjskog prostora vrtića Zvonimira Cviića u Rijeci. Kroz projekt će se izgraditi prilazna staza, koja će biti nadopunjena taktilnim pločama. Uredit će se i mali mediteranski vrt u kojem će biti mjesta za niz edukativnih radionica kao što su kompostiranje i recikliranje. Udruga Žmergo pomoći će radionicom kako pravilno odvojiti otpad i pripremiti ga za recikliranje. Naglasak će biti na 3R - Reduce-Reuse-Recycle, tj. Smanji-Ponovno upotrijebi-Recikliraj popraćenja obrazovnim aktivnostima i igrama.

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