Video clips

Students of Delnice High School will promote what sustanaible development and its goals are, as well as what can we do, by making videoclips. Even the smallest efforts are a great start.

This is the second time our school is participating in the European Sustainable Development Week. The starting activity would be creating short video clips to promote the goals of sustainable development and to educate other students. This is, in fact, the strategy of sustainable development through students’ eyes. We would also introduce new students to previous activities within our project „Malo pridonosim, puno dobivam“ (Small contribution, great profit) dedicated to the protection of the environment.

U našem drugom sudjelovanju ponovit ćemo prošlogodišnju aktivnost - izradu kratkih video klipića u duhu TicToca kako bi učenici što više približili ciljeve održivog razvoja ostalim učenicima. Koristit ćemo web 2 alate i razvijati učeničku kreativnost i odgovornost prema sebi i okolišu. Isto tako, učenicima prvih razreda predstavit ćemo projekt Malo pridonosim, puno dobivam tijekom kojeg organiziramo literarni i foto natječaj za sve srednje škole Republike Hrvatske na temu zaštite okoliša. Više o projektu na

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