Väljakutse “Rattaga trenni” 26.09-30.09

In the last week of September (September 26-30), in cooperation with sports clubs, UT exercise laboratory and the city of Tartu, Estonia’s first “Exercise by bike” campaign will take place, within the framework of which we invite all Tartu children to exercise by bicycle. it is beneficial for exercise, the child’s health and independence as […]

In the last week of September (September 26-30), in cooperation with sports clubs, UT exercise laboratory and the city of Tartu, Estonia’s first “Exercise by bike” campaign will take place, within the framework of which we invite all Tartu children to exercise by bicycle. it is beneficial for exercise, the child’s health and independence as well as for you. Tartu’s bicycle infrastructure is not ideal, and the decision is often made in favor of a car or bus for safety reasons. But this infrastructure is good enough to reach the destination safely with good planning. Also, the time required is not always much higher than by car – the distances in Tartu are smaller than it may seem from the car window. During the campaign, we share information about the benefits of exercising by bike and offer helpful materials for both you and the trainers. In cooperation with our partners, we also distribute prizes and aids necessary for cycling to children who participate in the feedback survey. Join the “Exercise by bike” initiative on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/4WvSFolDG or share your experience under the hashtag #rattagatrenni. We also include some of the benefits of cycling, helpful tips for cycling comfortably and safely, and answers to some of the most common concerns.

Septembri viimasel nädalal (26.-30.09) leiab spordiklubide, TÜ liikumislabori ja Tartu linna koostöös aset Eesti esimene “Rattaga trenni” kampaania, mille raames kutsume kõiki Tartu trennilapsi jalgrattaga trenni liikuma.Kutsume ka teid oma last järgmisel nädalal rattaga trenni saatma, sest sellest on kasu nii trennile, lapse tervisele ja iseseisvusele kui teile endile. 
Tartu rattataristu pole ideaalne ja tihtipeale otsustatakse auto või bussi kasuks turvalisuse kaalutlustel. Aga see taristu on piisavalt hea, et hästi planeerides turvaliselt sihtkohta jõuda.
Ka ajakulu ei pruugi alati olla palju suurem kui autoga – Tartus on vahemaad väiksemad kui meile autoaknast võib tunduda.Kampaania käigus jagamegi infot rattaga trenni liikumise hüvedest ning pakume abistavaid materjale nii teile kui treeneritele. Koostöös partneritega jagame lastele, kes tagasisideküsitluses osalevad, ka auhindu ja rattaga liikumiseks vajalikke abivahendeid.
Liituge algatusega “Rattaga trenni” Facebookis: https://fb.me/e/4WvSFolDG või jagage kogemusi teemaviite #rattagatrenni alt.
Lisame kirjale ka mõned rattasõidu kasud, abistavaid nõuandeid rattaga mugavalt ja turvaliselt liikumiseks ning vastused mõnedele kõige levinumatele muredele.

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