Toidukao vähendamise nädal

September 29, 2022 is the International Day to Reduce Food Loss. According to the UN, nearly ⅓ is wasted every year. of edible food. The purpose of Food Loss Reduction Day is to raise awareness of the

September 29, 2022 is the International Day to Reduce Food Loss. According to the UN, nearly ⅓ is wasted every year. of edible food. The purpose of Food Loss Reduction Day is to raise awareness of the importance of the problem and encourage thoughtful purchase decisions.

The Green Municipality team has launched a food loss reduction week. We invite you to notice the leftover food and consume it yourself or bring it to the food recycling cabinets. In schools, the topic of reducing food loss is linked to subjects, drawings are prepared on the topic “So that food does not go to waste!”. We visit the Paldiski High School, where we conduct an exciting workshop on the resources used for food. On 29.09, we will present the ideas and outputs of the community food cycle at the conference “Respect food without leaving a mark” organized by the Ministry of the Environment.

3 steps to reduce food waste:

Plan meals based on available foods.

Store the remaining food according to the requirements, share it with a neighbor or bring it to the food recycling cabinet!

Compost food waste and create rich soil!

The campaign is supported by the support measure of Lääne-Harju NGOs

29. september 2022 on rahvusvaheline toidukao vähendamise päev. ÜRO andmetel läheb iga-aastaselt raisku ligi ⅓. tarbimiskõlbulikust toidust. Toidukao vähendamise päeva eesmärk on tõsta teadlikkust probleemi olulisusest ja kutsuda üles mõtestama ostuotsuseid.

Rohelise valla tiim on ellu kutsunud toidukao vähendamise nädala. Kutsume üles ülejäävat toitu märkama ning seda tarbima ise või tooma toiduringluskappidesse. Koolides seotakse toidukao vähendamise teema õppeainetega, valmivad joonistused teemal “Et toit ei läheks raisku!”. Külastame Paldiski Gümnaasiumit, kus viime läbi põneva praktikumi toidule kuluvatest ressurssidest. 29.09 esitleme kogukondliku toiduringluse ideid ja väljundeid keskkonnaministeeriumi korraldatud konverentsil “Austa toitu jäägitult!”

3 sammu toidu raiskamise vähendamiseks:

Planeeri söögikorrad olemasolevate toiduainete järgi.

Ülejäävad toiduained säilita vastavalt nõuetele, jaga naabriga või too toiduringluskappi!

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