Tips to Save Energy

Facing incoming energy crisis, people in Croatia start thinking of different ways of saving energy. Problems with energy supplies (caused by Ukraine war) and growing inflation ask for changes.

During session of workshops students of High School Glina will discuss current energy problems. Working in pairs, they will propose possible ways of reducing energy consumption (electricity, gas, firewood). It’s important in preventing possible supply reductions and collapse of national economy. Besides macroeconomic impact, students  have to think about personal and household benefits of energy saving. Less expenses will insure certain level of income during inflation period Europe is currently facing. As a result of diccussion, pairs of students have to propose short tips for saving energy at home. Every tip will be presented by digital poster (including appropriate visual support). Finally, their posters will be united in digital exhibition approachable on school official website  and social media.

Kroz seriju radionica učenici Srednje škole Glina raspravit će aktualnu energetsku krizu. Radeći u parovima, predložit će moguće načine smanjenja potrošnje energije (električne, plina, drva za ogrjev). To je važno za sprečavanje mogućih ograničenja u opskrbi energenata i sloma nacionalnoga gospodarstva. Osim makroekonomskih posljedica, razmotrit će koristi uštede energije za pojedinca i kućanstvo (manji izdatci omogućit će zadržavanje određene razine dohotka, što je presudno u razdoblju inflacije)..Učenici će dati vlastite prijedloge za uštedu energije u kućanstvu. Prikazat će ih digitalnim plakatima, uz primjerenu vizualnu podlogu Konačno, bit će organizirana virtualna izložba njihovih plakata, dostupna na mrežnoj stranici škole i na društvenim mrežama.

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