The World’s Best News in the Slovenian language for the seventh time!

SLOGA Platform will publish The World’s Best News, the newspaper, which aims to raise awareness among the general public about global challenges, on the anniversary of Agenda 2030 adoption.

The World’s Best News in the Slovenian language for the seventh time!

The World’s Best News, the newspaper, which aims to raise awareness among the general public about global challenges, will be published in the Slovenian language and is again coordinated by the SLOGA Platform.

The stories, including this time the stories of the projects of Slovenian non-governmental organizations, carry messages about the many efforts for a sustainable world, which is increasingly connected and interdependent.

Through the World’s Best News, we want to convey good news about the real achievements of development cooperation, which Slovenia has also been co-creating for more than 15 years. In doing so, it assumes co-responsibility for eliminating poverty, reducing inequality, and achieving sustainable development everywhere in the world.

World’s Best News’s mission is to help people achieve a more nuanced view of the world. We believe that nuances and knowledge create hope – and that hope brings motivation for action. We want to make the Global Goals known to as many people as possible. When people know the goals, they are able to hold our political leaders accountable and make sure they deliver results. When more people know about the progress and solutions the world already has available, more people may help these solutions to be implemented.

Najboljše novice iz sveta tudi letos prinašajo pozitivne zgodbe

Tudi letos bodo v slovenščini izšle Najboljše novice iz sveta. Izdajo časopisa, ki je namenjen ozaveščanju širše javnosti o globalnih izzivih, tudi letos koordinira Platforma SLOGA.

Zgodbe, med njimi tudi tokrat zgodbe projektov slovenskih nevladnih organizacij, nosijo sporočila o številnih prizadevanjih za trajnostno usmerjen svet, ki je vedno bolj povezan in soodvisen.

Prek Najboljših novic iz sveta želimo posredovati dobre novice o resničnih dosežkih razvojnega sodelovanja, ki jih več kot 15 let soustvarja tudi Slovenija. S tem prevzema soodgovornost za odpravo revščine, zmanjševanje neenakosti in doseganje trajnostnega razvoja povsod v svetu.

Projekt z izvirnim naslovom “World’s Best News” se je leta 2010 razvil na Danskem in je zgleden primer konstruktivnega novinarstva ter prostovoljskega angažiranja pri širjenju pozitivnih informacij o ključnih razvojnih temah. V nekaj letih se je razširil v številne evropske države.

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