The school at the service of the territory: auditing and energy saving at the school and in the neighborhood. .

The school at the service of the territory: auditing and energy saving at the school and in the neighborhood. Project by NOI ENERGIE, ITT E. Molinari, co-financing of the Fondazione Cariplo-Milano

During the 2017-2018 school year, 20 students of the ITT E. Molinari of Milan, were trained to collect data, perform thermography and perform the energy audit (thermal and electrically) of the school and in the residential buildings of the surrounding district the school, identifying energy waste and possible enregetic saving actions with relative environmental and economic assessments. The project was coordinated by the NOI ENERGIE Association and co-financed by the Fondazione Cariplo

Durante l'anno scolastico 2017-2018: 20 studenti dell'ITT E. Molinari di Milano, sono stati formati per raccogliere dati, eseguire termografie ed eseguire l'audit energetico (termico ed elettirco) della proparia scuola e negli edifici residenziali del quartiere circostante la scuola, individuando gli sprechi energetici e le possibili azioni di risparmio enregetico con relative valutazioni ambientali ed economiche. Il Progetto è stato coordinato dall'Associazione NOI ENERGIE e co-finanziato dalla Fondazione Cariplo.

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