The development of the road network to understand the territory

A holistic interpretation of the valleys in this talk show, from the high peaks to deep riverbeds.

A holistic interpretation of the valleys in this talk show, from the high peaks to deep riverbeds. Based on the importance and development that these roads have had historically. Since the beginning of the modern era, the fifteenth century, economic activities began to determine the territory. On the road network of the Middle Ages, located in the hillsides, began to locate hamlets vertebraban this economic system based on the exploitation of forests and transportation. Up to today, considering the nineteenth-century industry stood next with municipalities in the pair will drop in the valleys.

Mendi puntatik hasi eta erreka zulora arteko bailararen ulermen holistiko bat erakutsiko da hitzaldi honetan. Bideek historian zehar izan duten garrantziatik eta garapenetik abiatuta. Aro modernoan, XV. mendetik, lurraldea aktibitate ekonomikoak kudeatu du, erdi arkoko bide sareetan -mendien maldetan- kokatzen hasi ziren baserriak sistema honen ardatza osatu zuten: basoen ustiapena eta garraiobideak. Gaur egunera arte, non XIX-XX mende bitartean industriak bailara azpietan kokatu ziren udalerriekin batera.

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