Tervisetehnoloogia teaduskiirendi ideede arenduslaager

The Health Technology Science Accelerator brings together researchers, early-stage startups, and science-based business and product development specialists. The aim of the program is to identify scientific achievements in the field of health technologies with commercial potential and to bring them to a higher level of technological readiness. SEPTEMBER 20 – Pitching sessions, Inspirational speakers, Mentoring […]

The Health Technology Science Accelerator brings together researchers, early-stage startups, and science-based business and product development specialists. The aim of the program is to identify scientific achievements in the field of health technologies with commercial potential and to bring them to a higher level of technological readiness.

SEPTEMBER 20 – Pitching sessions, Inspirational speakers, Mentoring sessions

SEPTEMBER 21- Virtual one-on-one mentoring sessions

The event is meant for Companies operating in the field, researchers as well as those just interested.

At the Idea Development Camp, we introduce the program and how to participate, listen to idea presentations (those interested have the opportunity to pitch their ideas), and offer teams one-on-one counseling with our first-class mentors and program managers.

Oodatud on valdkonnas tegutsevaid ettevõtteid, teadlasi kui ka lihtsalt huvilisi 20. septmebril Ideede Arenduslaagrisse.

Ideede Arenduslaagris tutvustame programmi ja kuidas selles osaleda, kuulame ideede esitlusi (huvilistel on võimalus oma ideed pitchida) ja pakume meeskondadele üks-ühele nõustamist meie esmaklassiliste mentorite ja programmijuhtidega.

Tervisetehnoloogia Teaduskiirendi koondab teadlasi, varases faasis idufirmasid ning teaduspõhiseid äri- ja tootearenduse spetsialiste. Programmi eesmärk on tuvastada kommertspotentsiaaliga teadussaavutused tervisetehnoloogiate valdkonnas ja viia need kõrgemale tehnoloogilise valmisoleku tasemele.

20.SEPTEMBER - Pitching sessioonid, Inspiratsioonikõnelejad, Mentorsessioonid

21.SEPTEMBER- Virtuaalsed üks-ühele mentorsessioonid

Rohkem infot Tervisetehnoloogia Teaduskiirendi kohta leiab siit: https://ut.ee/et/sisu/tervisetehnoloogiate-kiirendiprogramm

Teaduskiirendi 2. vooru kandideerimine on juba avatud: http://www.f6s.com/health-tech-estonia-accelerator-batch2/apply

Kandideerimise tähtaeg: 4. oktoober 2022, 23:59.

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