The 17th Tallinn Design Festival will take place from 19 to 25 September 2022, focusing on issues related to sustainability and green design.

The 17th Tallinn Design Festival will take place from 19 to 25 September 2022, focusing on issues related to sustainability and green design. Discussions on methods to readjust the impact of human activities on the environment in an era fixed on economic success, examples of circular design from different countries, enlightening stories told by professionals and workshops on essential recycling will all be featured over the course of the festival.

The international conference “Green-Being: WTF?*” will challenge greenwashing by presenting best practices and inspiring solutions from designers and product and service developers. Does the solution lie in recycling and new environmentally friendly materials only, or is it possible to redesign production processes to lengthen the value chain of materials and products?

The center of the festival is situated in the Baltic Manufactory, a Tsarist industrial quarter, which most of the time is inaccessible. One goal of the festival is to revive spaces of architectural and historical value through culture. Factory’s infinitely columned halls will be filled with several local and international exhibitions, such as “3R – Reduce, Recycle, Reuse” presented by the Italian Embassy; design students’ theses on the environment via the UK’s ArtsThread platform; the display of design and architecture schools, which reflects the level of Estonian professional education and the international competition-exhibition of the Haapsalu Graphic Design Festival “Juri Lotman 100. Unpredictability”.

And let’s not forget the best work displays of the Estonian Design Awards and the BRUNO Product Design award, plus the typography conference Kirjak!

Seitsmeteistkümnes Disainiöö toimub 19.–25. septembril 2022 ning võtab fookusesse teemad, mis on seotud kestlikkuse ja rohedisainiga. Arutame viise, kuidas muuta majanduslikule edule orienteeritud ajastul inimtegevuse mõju keskkonnale jõukohasemaks, demonstreerime erinevate maade ringdisaini näiteid, kuuleme õpetlikke lugusid kogenud ekspertidelt ja õpime töötubades oma kätega vajalikke taaskasutusnippe.

Rahvusvahelisel konverentsil „Rohe-olemine: WTF?*“ esitame väljakutse rohepesule; tutvustame parimaid praktikaid ja inspireerivaid lahendusi disaineritelt ning toote- ja teenusearendajatelt. Kas vastus seisneb vaid taaskasutuses ning uutes keskkonnasõbralikes materjalides või on võimalik kujundada tootmisprotsessid ümber nii, et materjalide ja toodete väärtusahel pikeneks? Peaesinejateks on Maailma Disainiorganisatsiooni (WDO) president David Kusuma, disainmõtleja ja kirjanik John Thackara ning moedoktor Reet Aus. Niisamuti osalevad konverentsil Eray Sertaç Ersayin, Sergio Dávila, Paula Nerlich, Kärt Ojavee ning Kai Realo.

Lisainfo ning programm on leitav kodulehelt: Disainiöö (disainioo.ee)

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