Sustainable Development Action’s Challenge / Leapsa Actiunilor pentru Dezevoltare Durabila

Prof21 community launches the Sustainable Development(SD) Action Challenge, an online campaign that invites teachers and activists to spread the word on Facebook regarding their actions towards SD.

I encourage friendships with minorities and discriminated groups, I am buying products from social business, I recycle everything I can, I am eating local food, I am using recycled paper, I organize SD educational activities within my school/community, etc. These are just a couple of examples of actions or habits that one can share with his friends within the SD Action Challenge.

How it works?

Shortly, the challenge encourages nominated participants to state on Facebook 3 actions that they take to contribute to sustainable development. Within 12 hours of being challenged, the participants must announce their acceptance of the challenge and share through a Facebook post their sustainable habits. Within the same post the participant should nominate a minimum of three other people to participate in the challenge, just like this:

“Name X, Name Y, Name Z, tell us 3 things that you do to contribute to sustainable development? Invite at least 3 friends to answer the same question!”

Incurajez prieteniile cu minoritatile etnice si cu grupurile discriminate, cumpar produse din intreprinderi sociale, reciclez deseurile, consum mancare locala, folosesc hartie reciclata, organizez activitati educationale in sfera DD la mine in scoala/comunitate, etc. Acestea sunt doar cateva lucruri pe care cineva le poate mentiona in cadrul Lepsei Actiunilor pentru Dezvoltare Durabila (DD).

Cum functioneaza?

Pe scurt, leapsa incurajeaza participantii nominalizati sa enumere 3 lucruri pe care le fac pentru a contribui la dezvoltarea durabila. In 12 ore de la primirea lepsei, participantii trebuie sa confirme acceptarea acesteia si sa distribuie pe Facebook lista cu cele 3 actiuni pentru dezvoltare durabila. In cadrul aceleiasi postari participantul va transmite leapsa catre minim 3 persoane. Provocarea va fi adresata in felul urmator: "X, Y, Z, spuneti 3 lucruri pe care le faceti pentru dezvoltarea durabila! Invitati minim 3 prieteni sa raspunda la aceeasi intrebare!"

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