Suncokret’s Insect Hotel Workshops

The aim of the workshops is through creative and practical activities educate children and youth about the environment and how beneficial insects support healthy gardens and biodiversity.

With our children and youth we will build insect hotels. The aim of the workshops is through practical activities educate children and youth about the environment and how beneficial insects support healthy gardens, biodiversity and serve as the foundation for the world’s ecological balance. We will build insect hotels and place them in our eco gardens and they will attract beneficial insects to pollinate plants and flowers and control pests. Inviting beneficial insects into the gardens will create biodiversity in the garden and ensure a healthy ecosystem. The insect hotels will help to create natural habitats for insects as climate change and devastation of forests and the natural environment has caused the diminishment of natural habitats and reduction of biodiversity.

Link to our workshop video:

Instagram: @suncokret.gvozd

S djecom i mladima ćemo izrađivati hotele za kukce. Cilj radionica

je kroz praktične aktivnosti podučavati djecu i mlade o okolišu i o tome kako su neki kukci korisni (blagotvorni) u vrtu i pomažu u stvaranju zdravog vrta, potiču bio-raznolikost i služe kao temelj za ekološku ravnotežu planete. Graditi ćemo "hotele za kukce" i postaviti ih u naše eko vrtove a oni će privući korisne insekte koji će oprašiti cvijeće i biljke i kontrolirati kukce štetočine. Primamljivanjem korisnih kukaca u vrt potičemo bio-raznolikost u vrtu i osiguravamo zdrav ekosistem. Hoteli za kukce će pomoći u stvaranju prirodnog staništa za kukce jer smo kroz klimatske promijene i devastaciju šuma i prirode smanjili prirodna staništa kukaca i smanjili bio-raznolikost.

Link za video s radionice:

Instagram: @suncokret.gvozd

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