Solar biological dry toilets, the sustainable way to reuse the human waste

We offer an overview o the Solar biological dry toilets, that works without water or chemicals. We want that visitors test it and give a feedback. The aim of the event is to promote circular economy.

Our institute, mOBILNO to go, developed and built the Solar biological dry toilets, that doesn’t need water or chemicals to work. We offer an overview of the toilet for visitors to test it and give feedback for the development of it. The aim of the event is to promote circular economy. The toilets are designed for the best usability, so no grows feelings and no bad odors. The system is using solar heat to decompose human feces and make it a safe and organic fertilizer.

Naš inštitut, mOBILNO to go, je razvil in zgradil Solarne biološke suhe sanitarije, ki ne potrebujejo ne vode ali kemije za lastno delovanje. Vsem zainteresiranim obiskovalcem ponujamo ogled naših sanitarij. Načrtovanje sanitarij je bilo predvsem pogojeno z željami uporabnikov, zato smo pripravili odlično rešitev za sanitarne prostore, ki ne proizvajajo smradu in ni vpogleda v zbiralnik. Sistem s pomočjo sončne toplote razgradi človeške >odpadke< in jih obdela v varno in organsko gnojilo.

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