Akcija skupljanja starog papira; zajednica; volonteri; čuvajmo prirodu

Primary School Podturen has the goal, in cooperation with students, parents, school staff and the local community, to strengthen itself as a strong community and to raise awareness among students about the management of old paper. Students will learn about the method of collecting old paper in the class teacher’s lessons and will later continue to collect old paper in the same way.

After collection, the old paper will be taken away by an authorized company.

The action of collecting old paper is organized on 26.09.2022, from 14:00 to 18:00  in front of the school. It’s up to you to collect old paper and come! We are waiting for you!

Osnovna škola Podturen ima cilj, u suradnji s učenicima, roditeljima, djelatnicima škole te lokalnom zajednicom, osnažiti se kao čvrsta zajednica te podići svijest među učenicima o gospodarenju starim papirom. Učenici će se s načinom prikupljanja starog papira upoznati na satovima razrednika te će kasnije nastaviti prikupljati stari papir na isti način.

Stari papir će nakon skupljanja odnijeti ovlaštena tvrtka. 

Akcija prikupljanja starog papira organizira se 26. rujna 2022. u vremenu od 14.00 do 18.00 ispred škole. Na Vama je da prikupite stari papir i dođete! Čekamo Vas!

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