Seabed cleaning action on the occasion of the Mediterranean Coast Day

Public Enterprise for Marine Management of Montenegro in cooperation with the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism organized seabed cleaning action

Mediterranean Coast Day, organized by the United Nations Environment Program and the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), is celebrated on September 25 in the Mediterranean countries, with activities aimed at informing and raising awareness of the importance of the sea and the coastal area as a natural and socio-economic resources whose sustainable development is the most current challenge at the national and international level.In order to mark this holiday and within the Program of activities to mark the 30th anniversary of the ecological state of Montenegro,Public Enterprise for Marine Management of Montenegro in cooperation with the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism, and the Institute of Marine Biology from Kotor will starting at 10 am, organize an action of cleaning the seabed in the area from the beach Richard’s Head (Hill of Budva) to the beach Mogren in Budva. Significant support and assistance to the realization of this action was provided by the “Communal” company from Budva, and the local community “Stari grad”. Within this event, a painting and art workshop will be organized for the youngest participants, which will be realized in cooperation with the kindergarten “Winnie the Pooh” from Budva, which is included in the international project “Eco-school”.

Mediteranski dan obale se, u organizaciji Programa za životnu sredinu Ujedinjenih nacija (UN Environment) i Mediteranskog akcionog plana (MAP), obilježava 25. septembra u zemljama Mediterana, aktivnostima koje imaju za cilj informisanje i podizanje svijesti o značaju mora i obalnog područja kao prirodnog i društveno-ekonomskog resursa čiji održivi razvoj predstavlja najaktuelniji izazov na nacionalnom i međunarodnom nivou.

U cilju obilježavanja ovog praznika a u okviru Programa aktivnosti obilježavanja 30 godina ekološke države Crne Gore, Javno preduzeće za upravljanje morskim dobrom Crne Gore u saradnji sa Ministarstvom ekologije, prostornog planiranja i urbanizma, i Institutom za biologiju mora iz Kotora će u subotu 25. septembra sa početkom u 10 časova, organizovati akciju čišćenja morskog dna na prostoru od plaže Ričardova glava (Brijeg od Budve) do plaže Mogren u Budvi. Realizaciji ove akcija značajnu podršku i pomoć pružili su “Komunalno” preduzeće iz Budve, te Mjesna zajednica “Stari grad”. U okviru ovog događaja biće organizovana i slikarska i umjetnička radionica za najmlađe učesnike, koja će se realizovati u saradnji sa vrtićem “Vini Pu” iz Budve koji je uključen u međunarodni projekat “Eko-škole”.

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