Sale of used books

Europe House Dubrovnik sells used books in Croatian and various foreign languages. Sales revenue is intended to fund association’s youth-related activities.

Europe House Dubrovnik, a Dubrovnik based association, collects and sells used books in Croatian and various foreign languages. Sales revenue is intended to fund association’s youth-related activities: non-formal education, especially foreign language courses, and fostering of youth participation in local community.Dates and times: 30/5/2017 14:00-18:0031/5, 1/6 and 2/6 10:00-14:003/6/2017 10:00-13:00

Europski dom Dubrovnik, udruga iz Dubrovnika, prikuplja i prodaje rabljene knjige na hrvatskom i stranim jezicima. Prihodom od prodaje financiraju se aktivnosti udruge namijenjene mladima: neformalno obrazovanje, posebno tečajevi stranih jezika, i poticanje sudjelovanja mladih u lokalnoj zajednici. datumi i vrijeme: 30/5/2017 14:00-18:0031/5, 1/6 i 2/6 10:00-14:003/6/2017 10:00-13:00

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