Responsible consumption and production

Composting: The way for a sustainable agriculture

With the help of our teacher Dejan Krauz students have engaged themselves in making compost. By being involved in such an activity students learn how to recycle and rationally dispose of biological waste. This in the long run boosts personal and general well-being. Also, this activity is  seen as a good way to develop entrepreneurial attitude which would lead to sustainable agriculture development.

Učenici naše Škole su se uz pomoć nastavnika Dejana Krauza  vlastitog komposta. Sudjelovanjem u ovoj aktivnosti učenici uče kako racionalno postupati s biološkim otpadom te kako reciklirati što dugoročno potiče osobni razvoj te opću dobrobit.

Također, ova aktivnost je prepoznata kao dobar način za razvijanje poduzetničkog stava koji vodi razvoju održive poljoprivrede.

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