Responsible consumption and production

The students of Secondary school Bartol Kašić, having in mind the importance of environment preservation, have undertaken the activity of turning cans into pencil holders and flower pots.

The students of Secondary school Bartol Kašić, being motivated by the reflection on the importance of protecting the Earth and responsible behaviour towards the environment, have actively participated in the European Sustainable Development Week. By promoting ‘zero waste’ lifestyle the students with the help of their professors Darko Šoma and Matej Milašinović have painted a dozen of  old cans with a sort of basic colour and in this way have prepared them for the decoration. The activity of decorating has been undertaken by the students who attend the Art department under the guidance of their art professor Majana Štor. By implementing various styles and unique decorations these cans have eventually been turned into pencil holders and flower pots.

Učenici SSBKGP potaknuti razmišljanjima o važnosti očuvanja planeta i odgovornog ponašanja prema okolišu aktivno su sudjelovali u Tjednu održivog razvoja. Promičući 'Zero waste' način života, učenici su pod mentorstvom nastavnika Darka Šome i Mateja Milašinovića stare limenke obojali temeljnom bojom i na taj ih način pripremili za daljnje intervencije (dekoraciju). Uređenje i dekoriranje limenki su osmislili i proveli učenici Likovne sekcije pod mentorstvom nastavnice likovne umjetnosti Majane Štor. Limenke su različitim,unikatnim dekoracijama i stilovima prenamijenjene u personalizirane posude (držače olovaka i posude za cvijeće) za administrativne djelatnike i stručne suradnike škole.

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