Recikliranje voska, izdelava sveč in naravnih mazil

Vosek je zelo dragocena sestavina, s katero se umetni vosek-parafin ne more primerjati. Tako dragocene sestavine ne smemo zavreči, zato jo bomo reciklirali.

The bees produce way in their wax glands and build honeycombs with it in which they grow their hold and store honey and pollen. It is a very valuable ingredient with which artificial wax-paraffin cannot be compared. Most of the wax is used in the cosmetics industry, as it not only gives ointments and creams consistency it also contains many active substances.

At the workshop, we will show how we get pure wax from an old beehive, what is “virgin wax” and its use. We will show how we can re-use the honeycombs in beekeeping, we will produce candles and ointments for chapped skin.

Vosek čebele izdelujejo v svojih voskovnih žlezah in z njim gradijo satje v katerem vzgajajo svojo zalego in shranjujejo med, cvetni prah. Je zelo dragocena sestavina, s katero se umetni vosek-parafin ne more primerjati. Večina voska se uporabi v kozmetični industriji, saj ne le da daje mazilom in kremam konsistenco vsebuje tudi veliko zdravilnih učinkovin.

Na delavnici bomo prikazali kako iz stare čebelje satnice dobimo čisti vosek, kaj je deviški vosek in uporaba le-tega. Prikazali bomo kako satnice nazaj uporabimo v čebelarstvu: zažičili bomo satnice, izdelali bomo sveče in mazilo za razpokano kožo.

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