Protected sea and coastal area – Katič Nature Park

Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism, among numerous activities, marks important jubilee by establishing the Katič Nature Park, another marine and coastal protected area in Montenegro.

The “Katič” area is proposed for protection due to the value of its biodiversity, especially those species and habitats that are important for protection, such as habitats of protected sea ants (Posidonia oceanica). This seaweed is a Mediterranean endemic that in functional terms represents the “lungs” of the Mediterranean, is protected by national and international legislation and is on the list of priority habitats for protection. Coralligenous biocenoses near the island of Veliki Katič (Donkova Seka) and in the bay of Maljevik (near Cape Krčevac, the bay of Vezirovo sidrište and Cape Dubovac) and caves, especially in the bay of Perčin, are also distinguished.

The total area of ​​the Nature Park “Katič” is 2744.93 ha. Of that, 276.90 ha are in the II protection zone, while in the III zone there are 2468.29 ha, of which 2291.77 ha belong to the sea, and 176.52 ha to the land unit, which entirely, in terms of property relations, are the property of the State Montenegro.

We would like to remind you that the Government of Montenegro passed the Decision on declaring the protected area of ​​the Nature Park “Platamuni” on April 22 this year and thus established the first marine protected area in Montenegro.

Područje „Katič“ predlaže se za stavljanje pod zaštitu zbog vrijednosti njegovog biodiverziteta, a posebno onih vrsta i staništa koje su značajne za zaštitu, kao što su staništa zaštićene morske trave murave (Posidonia oceanica). Ova morska trava je mediteranski endem koji u funkcionalnom smislu predstavlja „pluća“ Mediterana, zaštićena je nacionalnim i međunardonim zakonodavstvom i nalazi se na listi prioritetnih staništa za zaštitu. Takođe se izdvajaju koraligene biocenoze kod ostrva Veliki Katič (Donkova Seka) i u uvali Maljevik (kod rta Krčevac, uvale Vezirovo sidrište i rta Dubovac) i pećine, naročito u uvali Perčin.

Ukupna površina Parka prirode "Katič" iznosi 2744,93 ha. Od toga, 276,90ha se nalazi u II zoni zaštite, dok se u III zoni nalazi 2468,29ha, od čega 2291,77ha pripada morskoj, a 176,52ha kopnenoj cjelini koji u cjelosti, u pogledu svojinsko pravnih odnosa, čine vlasništvo Države Crne Gore.

Podsjećamo, Vlada Crne Gore donijela je Odluku o proglašavanju zaštićenog područja Parka prirode „Platamuni“ 22. aprila ove godine i time uspostavila prvo morsko zaštićeno područje u Crnoj Gori.

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