Potato harvest

Gaia school classes are harvesting potatoes for the winter. Potato harvesting takes place on the school garden area located in Saku parish.

Gaia school classes are harvesting potatoes for the winter. Potato harvesting takes place on the school garden area located in Saku parish. Classes go there one by one, there are people responsible for opening the potato furrows, children use buckets for collecting potatoes. Then they are carried into the barn and left to dry. Later in autumn the children go back and sort them into the piles. The potatoes are used for making food at school. In spring another set of poatoes will be planted again. This activity will become one of Gaia school’s traditions.  

Gaia kooli õpilased võtavad üles talvekartulid. Kartulivõtt toimub Saku vallas Gaia kooli õuesõppe alal. Klassid lähevad kartuleid võtma ükshaaval, kohapeal on inimesed, kes vastutavad kartulivagude lahti ajamise eest. Õpilased korjavad kartulid pangedesse, viivad kuuri alla kuhja ja jätavad tahenema. Hiljem sorteerivad kartulid talveks salve või kuhjadesse. Kartulitest tehakse kooliaasta jooksul toitu. Kevadel toimub kartulite mahapanek. Kartulivõtust saab loodetavasti üks kauakestev Gaia kooli traditsioon.  

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