Potato harvest and making apple juice

Potato harvest as a traditional garden work is accompanied by making delicious apple juice

In the outdoor learning area of the Gaia school located in the Saku municipality, the students of the Gaia school go to do several garden works every year. Planting potatoes in spring and harvesting them in autumn has already become a tradition, which is followed by students of almost all grades. In addition, you can harvest crops in the orchard and make apple juice in a good apple year. The potatoes are picked by hand and taken indoors to dry. Children can also take potatoes home with them. During the fieldwork, they talk about the natural environment, traditional farming and gardening, and the work that was done on the farms. Saku’s outdoor learning area is a great way to introduce Gaia students to growing food.

Gaia kooli Saku vallas asuval õuesõppealal käivad Gaia kooli õpilased igal aastal tegemas mitmeid aiatöid. Kartulite mahapanek ja sügisene ülesvõtt on juba muutunud traditsiooniks, mida järgivad peaaegu kõikide klasside õpilased. Lisaks saab toidusalus korjata saaki ning heal õuna-aastal teha õunamahla. Kartuleid võetakse käsitsi ja viiakse siseruumidesse kuivama. Lapsed saavad kartuleid ka endale koju viia. Välitööde käigus räägitakse loodusringist, traditsioonilisest põllu ja aia pidamisest ning töödest, mida taludes tehti. Saku õuesõppeala on suurepärane võimalus Gaia õpilasi toidu kasvatamisega tuttavaks teha. 

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