Põlva School Scientists Night

Community event in Põlva School to discover, inquire and enjoy the amazing world of science!

For one night Põlva Scool opens its doors for the whole community. Through four hours all people can discover, inquire and enjoy the amazing world of science! Students perform on science theatre, everybody can take action on chemistry and physics experiments, there are scientific escape rooms, possibility to inqure world through microscope and try night photography. People can also try resuscitation through simulation doll and Estonian Police and Border Guard Board and Estonian Road Administration are presenting different parts of their jobs. 

Ühel õhtul avab Põlva Kool oma uksed kogukonnale! Nelja tunni jooksul on kõigil huvilistel võimalus avastada teaduse imelist maailma nautides teadusteatri etendusi ning osaledes erinevates töötubades: sooritades keemia- ja füüsikakatseid, uurides maailma läbi mikroskoobi, põgenedes loodusteaduslikest põgenemistubadest, harjutades elustamist nuku abil. Kohal on Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet ning Maanteeamet. 

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