PLANTida eco-festival

PLANTida eco-festival is a new addition to PLANTaža’s activity palette. First introduced in 2021, it unites creative individuals and civil society organizations in sustainable quality content creation

Since last year’s attendance exceeded expectations, we’ve decided to keep chasing the vision of making PLANTida a local tradition. Planned content includes four programmes (separated on a micro-location level):

a) PLANTfeast – local short agri-food supply chain product offer, microgreens by PLANTaža, bar and the treats for visitors

b) Greenspin – designed to spark a constructive debate focused on urban forestry, biodiversity and climate change, followed by a travelogue featuring girl and women sharing alone travels experiences

c) LANDovina -programme to combine arts with entertainment (Pazarenje clothes fair, store of children toys, seed exchange, dance performance, urban city route, all rounded by chilled house beats)

d) GREENcity – for all the art enthusiasts, as well as those whose art tendencies are yet to be known. This programme’s made to incentivise creative expression through guided workshops by partners (land art workshop, textile painting, creating flower jewelry etc.)

Budući da je prošlogodišnja posjećenost nadišla očekivanja, odlučili smo nastaviti u realizaciji vizije PLANTide kao lokalne tradicije. Planirani sadržaj obuhvaća četiri programa (na istom području no na mikro razini su međusobno razdvojeni):

a) PLANTfeast - poljoprivredni prehrambeni proizvodi, microgreens članova PLANTaže, bar i slastice za posjetitelje

b) Greenspin - konstruktivna rasprava na temu urbanog pošumljavanja, bioraznolikosti i klimatskih promjena, a slijedi putopisno predavanje kroz koje djevojke dijele iskustva samostalnih putovanja

c) LANDovina - kombinacija umjetnosti i zabave (Pazarenje sajam odjeće, "šareni dućan" igrački za djecu, razmjena sjemena, plesna izvedba, urbana ruta, a cjelinu zaokružuje house DJ set)

d) ZELENgrad- za sve umjetnike i one čije će umjetničke tendencije tek biti otkrivene. Cilj je programa potaknuti umjetnički izražaj posjetitelja kroz radionice u organizaciji partnera (land art, oslikavanje tekstila, izrada cvjetnog nakita itd.) 

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