Okrepimo telo in duha s pilatesom / Strengthen body and mind with Pilates

Na delavnici bomo spoznali osnove pilatesa. / We will learn the basics of Pilates exercises

Pilates is an exercise system that combines strengthening exercises, mobility and exercises where the load is represented by body weight, long levers and the force of gravity. The essence of the exercise is to strengthen the trunk muscles, maintain body stability, mobilize the spine and improve the range of motion. It is considered among the techniques that strengthen the body and spirit. In the workshop, we will learn the basics of Pilates and learn how we can easily shape our bodies and improve our general well-being.

Pilates je sistem vadbe, ki povezuje vaje za krepitev, gibljivost in vaje, kjer nam obremenitev predstavlja teža telesa, dolge ročice in sila gravitacije. Bistvo vadbe je v krepitvi mišic trupa, ohranitvi stabilnosti telesa, mobilizaciji hrbtenice ter izboljšanju amplitude gibanja. Štejemo ga med tehnike, ki krepijo telo in duha. Na delavnici bomo spoznali osnove pilatesa in se naučili, kako lahko enostavno oblikujemo svoje telo in izboljšamo splošno počutje.

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