Non Siamo Atlantide 2022

NON SIAMO ATLANTIDE was born in 2020 thanks to Piero Zerbin and Cristina Lambiase at Aquileia (ITALY) – a UNESCO Site – to tell stories and inspire all people about sustainability

The Festival Non Siamo Atlantide (We Are Not Atlantis), supported by all local Authorities, has been recognized by ASviS, the National Alliance on Sustainable Development, as Regional Partner of the National Sustainable Development Festival 2022.

In 2020 we have been mentioned by the UN – ONE PLANET NETWORK platform and in 2021 we were partners of Pre-COP26 Milan events as well.

This year will add a relevant link with the global conference The Economy of Francesco hosting from Assisi a Member of the Board. At the same time we have decided to join the UN Decade on Restoration Program with kids’ labs and workshops for micro and small companies.

Our two stages will host scientists, artists, explorers, botanists, musicians and a special environmental guest from Peru talking about the Amazon Forest and female park rangers programs to protect the threatened ecosystems and biodiversity loss.

NON SIAMO ATLANTIDE è nato nel 2020 da un progetto immaginato da Piero Zerbin e Cristina Lambiase ad Aquileia (UD) per raccontare ed ispirare gli attori della sostenibilità nei territori Patrimonio dell’Umanità. E’ la voce di altri futuri possibili. Dal 2022 nelle mani del Comune di Aquileia si arricchisce con l’arrivo della Giant Trees Foundation nel Comitato Scientifico e Organizzatore e nuovi partner come Fondazione So.Co.Ba e

il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Aquileia.

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