Project NATURE AND TOWN: MODIFICATION OF URBAN NATURE THROUGH TIME follows the content that contributes to the environment protection, sustainability and refers to the topic of “CLIMATE CHANGE”

A (recognizing changes in the environment) of the project refers to the exhibition of old postcards of the Maribor City Park. Old postcards represent a valuable cultural and, to a large extent, the natural heritage of the city of Maribor, which is inextricably linked with climate change. The Maribor City Park has been changing over the course of history, also due to the consequences of climate change, human influence, which is well documented on the postcards.

B (Climate Change Measures and Adaptation) refers to expert lectures in which experts will explain to the general public the causes and burden of climate change and the actions and adaptations of relevant stakeholders (Maribor Waterworks Company, Municipality Maribor, Slovenian Environmental Agency…

 (informing and raising public awareness on climate change) in the project refers to the implementation of expert lectures for pupils, students and students. The book “A Guide to Exceptional Trees in the Urban Parks of Maribor” will also be presented.

Vsebinski sklop A (prepoznavanje sprememb v okolju) projekta se nanaša na razstavo starih razglednic mariborskega mestnega parka. Stare razglednice mariborskega mestnega parka predstavljajo dragoceno kulturno in v veliki meri naravno dediščino mesta Maribor, ki je neločljivo povezana s tudi s podnebnimi spremembami. Mariborski mestni park se je skozi zgodovino spreminjal, tudi zaradi posledic podnebnih sprememb oz. vplivov človeka, kar je dobro razvidno na samih fotografijah razglednic. 

Vsebinski sklop B (ukrepi in prilagoditve na podnebne spremembe) projekta se nanaša na strokovna predavanja v katerih bodo strokovnjaki širši javnosti predstavili vzroke in breme podnebnih sprememb ter ukrepe in prilagoditve relevantnih deležnikov. 

Vsebinski sklop C (informiranje in osveščanje javnosti o podnebnih spremembah) v projektu se nanaša na izvedbo strokovnih predavanj namenjenih učencem, dijakom in študentom. Predstavljena bo tudi knjiga "Vodnik po izjemnih drevesih v mestnih parkih Maribora". 

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