Nature and culture in the rituals, narratives and beliefs

International conference “Nature and culture in rituals, narratives and beliefs” will be held at the Estonian Literature Museum. This is the 14th annual conference of the Center of Excellence for Estonian Studies and belongs to the conference series “Balkan and Baltic States in United Europe: History, Religion, and Culture”. Researchers from 17 countries will participate […]

International conference “Nature and culture in rituals, narratives and beliefs” will be held at the Estonian Literature Museum.
This is the 14th annual conference of the Center of Excellence for Estonian Studies and belongs to the conference series “Balkan and Baltic States in United Europe: History, Religion, and Culture”. Researchers from 17 countries will participate in the conference.
The conference covers following topics:
• The Balkan-Baltic region in the context of the nature/culture dichotomy: local and traditional ecological knowledge, environmental movements, European mechanisms for nature conservation
• Economics/political economy and ‘human–nature’ coexistence
• Traditional beliefs and practices and nature/culture correlation
• Nature and culture in religion, festive rituals and everyday life
• Paganism and neo-paganism: culture or/and nature?
• COVID 19 – the revenge of nature?
• Arts and Nature
• Climate, ecology and climate change in public and individual discourse.
The conference is targeted at scholars and researchers. Participation is welcomed as well.
It is possible to participate online as well.

The conference is supported by the supported by the Center of Exellence in Estonian Studies, Department of Folkloristics Estonian Literary Museum, Estonian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the International Society of Balcan and Baltic Studies.

Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumis leiab aset rahvusvaheline konverents"Nature and culture in rituals, narratives and beliefs" 19.september- 22.september. 
See on järjestikkuselt 14. aastakonverents, mis on organiseeritud Eesti-uuringute Tippkeskuse poolt (CEES) ning kuulub konverentsiseeriasse "Balkan and Baltic States in United Europe: History, Religion, and Culture".  Konverentsil on osalemas 17 teadurit. 
Konverentsi teemad varieeruvad keskkonnaliikumistest, lokaalsest ning traditsiooniliselt ökoloogilisest teadmisest ning Euroopa mehhanismidest, mis on mõeldud looduskaitseks. 
Samuti on ettekandel kultuurist ja loodusest religioonis ning muudest usunditest ning nende seostest loodusega. Arutletakse COVIDi üle ning ka kliimamuutuste seose üle avalikkuse ning individuaalse vaatenurga kaudu. 
Konverents on eelkõige suunatud teaduritele ning osalemine on võimalik ka üle veebisilla. 
Konverents on toetatud CEES- poolt, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia poolt ning paljude teiste teadusasutuste poolt. 

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