Municipal bees in Piešťany

The programme “Pollenizers in the City” focuses on importance of trees and usefulness of bees, especially in the cities. The programme includes observation of bees with the observational hives.

The programme “Pollenizers in the City” focuses on importance of trees and plants and usefulness of bees, especially in the cities. The programme includes observation of bees with the observational hive. Our bees work in the range of approx. 5 km around the Elektrárňa Piešťany. It is municipal environment, i.e. our garden with honeybee plants, gardens in neighbouring areas, municipal park, lime avenues around Elektrárňa, fields behind the railway station.

V programe "Opeľovače v meste" riešime so žiakmi význam zelene a užitočnosť hmyzu, najmä včiel v mestskom prostredí. Súčasťou programu je sledovanie včiel pomocou pozorovacieho úľa. Naše včely obhospodarujú oblasť v okruhu do cca. 5 km od EP. Je to mestské prostredie, teda naša záhrada s medonosnými rastlinami, záhrady v okolitých obytných štvrtiach, mestský park, lipové aleje v okolí EP, polia za železničnou stanicou.

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