Moj kvart- održiv kvart!

“My neighborhood – a sustainable neighborhood” in Pula will gather representatives of good examples of sustainable neighborhood projects (exhibition, round table and party for local community with DJ-

Green Istria will organize a public event “My neighborhood – a sustainable neighborhood” in Pula.The program begins at 6:00 pm with the opening of an exhibition of student projects related to sustainable development. Namely, as part of the Green Istria project “Knowledge for sustainable action” elementary schools Monte Zaro, Kaštanjer, Šijana, Krnica and high school Gimnazija Pula – designed and implemented interesting projects that wanted to encourage sustainable development in their neighborhoods.

At 6.30 pm there will be a round table “My sustainable neighborhood, city and island” where we will host a representative of the association Vestigium from Zagreb who will present numerous activities that revived their neighborhood, followed by a presentation of the successful island initiative “For Zlarin without plastic”, the “Eo Market” initiative as well as the example of a local company, ie the successful “Hook & Cook” brand that combines sustainable fishing and the innovative concept of a fast food restaurant that offers exclusively fish dishes that they have caught

Zelena Istra će u Puli u organizirati javno događanje „Moj kvart- održiv kvart”.Program počinje u 18:00 sati otvorenjem izložbe učeničkih projekata koji se tiču održivog razvoja. Naime, u sklopu projekta Zelene Istre „Znanje za održivo djelovanje” osnovne škole Monte Zaro, Kaštanjer, Šijana, Krnica te srednja škola Gimnazija Pula- osmislili su i proveli zanimljive projekte kojima su htjeli u svojim kvartovima potaknuti održivi razvoj. U 18.30 slijedi okrugli stol „Moj održiv kvart, grad i otok” gdje ćemo ugostiti predstavnicu udruge Vestigium iz Zagreba koja će nam predstaviti brojne aktivnosti kojima su građani oživjeli svoj kvart, zatim slijedi predstavljanje uspješne otočke inicijative „Za Zlarin bez plastike”, inicijative „Eko tržnica” kao i primjer lokalnog poduzeća tj. uspješnog branda „Hook&Cook” koji spaja održiv ribolov i inovativni koncept restorana brze hrane koja nudi isključivo riblja jela koja su sami ulovili.

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