Matk Ubari maastikukaitsealal koos köieronimisega

As part of the study program, there will be a visit to the Ubar landscape reserve and a hike with steep climbing. We will get to know the klint of North Estonia and the characteristic forest on the bank. In the landscape, we can see elements of nearly 2,000 years of heritage culture, learn about […]

As part of the study program, there will be a visit to the Ubar landscape reserve and a hike with steep climbing. We will get to know the klint of North Estonia and the characteristic forest on the bank. In the landscape, we can see elements of nearly 2,000 years of heritage culture, learn about plants, look for traces of animal activity and enjoy beautiful views of the Kolga Bay, the Kaberneme peninsula and the islands of Rammu and Rohusi. The specific hike is aimed at the Kurtna school. During the hike, 5 kilometers are covered on foot with equipment, climbing and descending with a rope is practiced.

The content is an introduction to the Ubar landscape protection area. Brief overview of the earth’s history, formation, location, importance of the North Estonian klint; limestone escarpment, searching for traces of animals, nature and human activity today; fossils; ecological factors of inanimate and living nature; getting to know the species of the broad-leaved forest with the characteristics of a valuable habitat on the bank: linden, maple, birch and elm birch, oak, rowan, toomingas, poplar, hazel, linden, oak and others. Ecological factors of inanimate and living nature on the example of a broad-leaved forest: conditions affecting vegetation: soil, light, humidity, etc. Human influence on nature throughout history is also introduced.

The study program has been awarded the EHE – label by the Ecotourism Association.

Õppeprogrammi raames toimub Ubari maastikukaitseala külastus ja matk koos järsakul ronimisega. Tutvume Põhja-Eesti klindi ja pangapealsele iseloomuliku metsaga. Maastikul näeme ligi 2000-aastase pärandkultuuri elemente, õpime tundma taimi, otsime loomade tegevusjälgi ning naudime ilusaid vaateid Kolga lahele, Kaberneeme poolsaarele ning Rammu ning Rohusi saarele.

Konkreetne matk on suunatud Kurtna koolile. Matkal läbitakse jalgsi koos varustusega 5 kilomeetrit, harjutatakse köie abil tõusmist ja laskumist. Matk koos söögipausiga kestab 3 tundi.

Õppeprogrammile on omistatud Ökoturismiühingult EHE märk.

Sisuks on Ubari maastikukaitseala tutvustus. Maa ajaloo lühiülevaade, Põhja-Eesti klindi teke, paiknemine, tähtsus; paekivi astang, loomade, looduse ja inimtegevuse jälgede otsimine tänapäeval; fossiilid; eluta ja elus looduse ökoloogilised tegurid; tutvumine pangapealse vääriselupaiga tunnustega laialehise metsa liikidega: pärn, vaher, kask ja maarjakask, tamm, pihlakas, toomingas, pooppuu, sarapuu, pärn, tamm jt. Eluta ja elus looduse ökoloogilised tegurid laialehise metsa näitel: taimestikku mõjutavad tingimused: mullastik, valgus, niiskus jms. Samuti tutvustatakse ka inimese mõju loodusele läbi ajaloo. 


Ökokratt tegeleb loodushariduse edendamisele läbi loodusmatkade pakkumise erinevatele kooliastmetele. 

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