Making a model of a recycling container

We will make a model of a container for waste recycling from old boxes and leftover collage paper that would have been thrown away.

Students with special education needs  will participate in making waste containers from different boxes. They will cut out pictures of different types of waste from advertising leaflets and stick them on the appropriate container. We will display the tank models in the school hallway.

Goals of this activity: -students recognize the impact of human (and their) activities on nature and the environment

– through their activities (recycling/sorting of waste), students contribute positively to the preservation of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development.

Učenici s teškoćama u razvoju sudjelovat će u izradi spremnika za otpad od različitih kutija. Izrezivat će iz reklamnih letaka sličice različitih vrsta otpada te ih lijepiti na odgovarajući spremnik. Modele spremnika izložit ćemo u školskom hodniku. 

Ciljevi ove aktivnosti : -učenici prepoznaju utjecaj ljudskih (i svojih) aktivnosti na prirodu i okoliš

- svojim djelovanjem (recikliranjem/razvrstavanjem otpada) učenici pozitivno doprinose očuvanju okoliša i promidžbi održivog razvoja.

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