Like for bike

“Like for bike” is one day action for promoting sustainable ways of transportation emphasising culture of cycling and migrating transportation from fossil-based energy to other alternatives .

“Like for bike” is action organized by pupils and teachers from Primary School Jordanovac wich invites its pupils to come to school by bike and promote cycling as a transport medium for everyone. After class, members of Green action”s  “Cyclerepair” will teach our pupils how to do simple repairments of their bikes. Then there is a presentation of e-car made by students from School of road transport within “Europe electric car” project and e-bike from Ducati energia, Ludbreg. The pupils will also have a chance to ride a singing bike borrowed from group of Brown trout, kindergarten Jelkovec.

"Lajk za bajk" je akcija učenika i nastavnika OŠ Jordanovac koja na dan škole poziva svoje učenika da na nastavu dodju biciklom i na taj način promoviraju vožnju biciklom kao prijevoznog sredstva za svakoga. Nakon nastave, članovi "Biciklopopravljaone" Zelene akcije učenike će podučiti kako popraviti sitne kvarove na biciklu. Zatim slijedi prezentacija elektičnog auta kojeg su izradili učenici Srednje škole za cestovni promet u sklopu projekta "Europe electric car" i električnog bicikla Ducati energie iz Ludbrega. Učenici će također moći isprobati voziti dječji bicikl koji svira dok biciklira posuđenog iz  grupe Potočnice DV Jelkovec.

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