Kuressaare Street Festival – garage sale

On the last day of Kuressaare street festival the people of Kuressaare open their garages to offer an incredible shopping experience.

Kuressaare garage sale is coming again.

This time on the 26th of May 11-16.

If you have something at home that you don’t need anymore, there is surely somebody on the other end of the town, who need exactly that thing. We have made it our mission to introduce the two of you. Therefor we are hosting an around the town garage sale in Kuressaare.

Last year about 40 garages participated and one could buy everything. Starting from second-hand toys up to used cars.

Don’t miss the opportunity!

Ülelinnaline garaažimüük tuleb Kuressaares taas!

Seekord 26. mail 11-16

Kui Sul on kodus midagi, mida Sa ise enam ei vaja, siis kindlasti on teises linna otsas keegi, kellel on just see asi puudu. Meil on kindel plaan teid omavahel tutvustada.

Eelmisel aastal osales garaažimüügil ca 40 erinevat müügikohta, kus sai osta kõike. Teise ringi mänguasjadest kuni kasutatud autodeni. 

Ära jäta võimalust kasutamata!

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