Na delavnici ponovne uporabe bomo iz starih zaves skrojili in zašili vrečke ponovno uporabo. Za ves material je poskrbljeno.

When the curtain gets a second chance

In the reuse workshop, we will cut and sew bags from old curtains to buy and store fruit / vegetables / bread or wash delicate laundry in the washing machine, which you will be able to use over and over again. All material is taken care of.

Ko zavesa dobi drugo priložnost

Na delavnici ponovne uporabe bomo iz starih zaves skrojili in zašili vrečke za nakup in shranjevanje sadja/zelenjave/kruha ali pranje občutljivega perila v pralnem stroju, ki jih boste lahko uporabljali znova in znova. Za ves material je poskrbljeno.

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