INVAZIVKE NA VRTU … Kaj pa zdaj? / Invasive alien species: a growing problem for environment

INVAZIVKE NA VRTU … Kaj pa zdaj? / Invasive alien species: a growing problem for environment

You are invited to an interactive lecture about invasive alien species (IAS) detected in Gorenjska region, Slovenia. A group of student of Higher vocational college of BC Naklo, working on IAS data collection, have decided to undertake an active role in prevention and eradication of AIS, to raise awareness and identify solutions to invasive species issues at local, regional and national scales. Through a self- produced video and interesting, didactic games you will learn about the most common non-native invasive species in Gorenjska, procedures to limit their spread, etc.

Vabljeni na interaktivno predavanje, kjer boste tudi prek ogleda filma ter zanimive didaktične igre spoznali najbolj pogoste tujerodne invazivne vrste na Gorenjskem, postopke za omejitev njihovega širjenja itn.

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