Household cleaning sponges

Everybody wants less plastic in our household waste. One step closer to that is definitely to start using washable reusable sponges instead of plastic ones.

Everybody wants less plastic in our household waste. One step closer to that is definitely to start using washable reusable sponges instead of plastic ones. As a part of European Sustainable Development Week Ljudska univerza Kranj organises a workshop, where the participants will get to know, how easy we can make them from waste materials and of course make some for ourselves.

Vsi si želimo manj plastike med odpadki. En korak k temu je zagotovo nadomestitev plastičnih s pralnimi pomivalnimi gobicami. V sklopu Tedna izobraževanja za trajnostni razvoj Ljudska univerza Kranj organizira delavnico, na kateri bomo spoznali, kako enostavno jih lahko ustvarimo iz odpadnih materialov in jih seveda izdelali tudi za domov.

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