Home for birds and bugs

Želimo obogatiti bioraznolikost u našoj okolini gradnjom kućica za bube i ptice, u kojima bi im omogućili sigurnost i hranu.

We know that nature is the main source of life on planet Earth, we also know that humans are increasingly destroying and polluting it. Therefore, the students of the 3rd grade of the School of Economics and Birotehnics in Slavonski Brod decided in the week of sustainable development to dedicate themselves to our small contribution in protecting biodiversity in our environment. We will make hotels for bugs, and after that, cottages and bird feeders. We will place them in the circle of our school, as well as in our gardens. Before these actions, we helped our volunteer club “Drops of Will” collect plastic plugs and bottles, with this action we continue to do so.

Znamo da je priroda glavni izvor života na planeti Zemlji, također znamo da ju ljudi sve više uništavaju i zagađuju. Stoga su se učenici 3.e razreda Ekonomsko-birotehničke škole u Slavonskom Brodu odlučili u tjednu održivog razvoja posvetiti našem malom doprinosu u zaštiti bioraznolikosti u našem okolišu. Izradit ćemo hotele za bube, a nakon toga i kućice i hranilice za ptice. Iste ćemo postaviti u krugu naše škole, kao i u svoje vrtove. Prije tih akcija, pripomogli smo našem volonterskom klubu „Kapi volje“ u prikupljanju plastičnih čepova i boca, s tom akcijom nastavljamo i dalje.

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