Hanging school garden

Through this activity, students will understand the role of sustainability and its importance for life.They will create a green class garden.

The activity is intended for fourth graders.The goal of the activity is to make a greener garden in the classroom using plastic bottles and to encourage other students of the school to think about the importance of sustainable development.

With this project, students will recycle, plant, learn to recognize different types of plants and develop the competencies of students of the 21st century. The special feature of the project is that the activity continues even after the sustainability week and encourages students to maintain the garden and develop a proper and responsible relationship with nature.

Aktivnost je namijenjena učenicima četvrtih razreda. Cilj aktivnosti je ozeleniti zidni vrt u učionici korištenjem plastičnih boca te potaknuti ostale učenike škole na razmišljanje o važnosti održivog razvoja. Ovim projektom, učenici će reciklirati, saditi, učiti prepoznavati različite vrste biljaka te razvijati kompetencije učenika 21.stoljeća. Posebnost projekta je što aktivnost traje i nakon tjedna održivosti te potiče učenike na održavanje vrta i razvijanje pravilnog i odgovornog odnosa prema prirodi.

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