Good vineyards & amp; Good Wineries for the Climate: Winezero Project

Perlage opens the doors of its winery for who wants to examine the results of a 2 years research about the CO2 emissions. All the datas will be available at the wine shop available to all.

The Winezero project was born to calculate the CO2 emissions of some organic and sustainable wineries, enhance the active role of the viticulture as a sustainable practice in order to stimulate other companies to intervene to optimize their supply chain.

The participating wineries (Bosco del Merlo, Le Carline and Perlage Wines – located in Veneto Region, Italy) can be considered as the pilotes companies and a truly examples to stimulate more new programs and projects in the Veneto Region territory and maybe in the entire Italy.

For two years was monitored every step of the wine industry chain in the involved companies. There were collected datas and processed with the calculator Ita.Ca® in order to produce a final summary of the corporate emissions. These would like to be fundamental elements to reflect on how and where to intervene with projects for improvement in the reduction of emissions.

Il progetto WineZero, nato per stimare le emissioni aziendali, valorizzare il ruolo attivo della viticoltura come pratica sostenibile e stimolare le Aziende ad intervenire per ottimizzare la filiera, è ancora in corso ma ha già ottenuto significativi risultati.

Le Aziende partecipanti (Bosco del Merlo, Le Carline e Perlage Wines) possono essere considerate Aziende pilota ed esempio per programmare prossimi progetti più estesi sul territorio.

Per ben due anni nelle Aziende coinvolte si sono monitorati tutti i passi della filiera vitivinicola, raccolti dati, elaborati con Ita.Ca®, per produrre infine un quadro riassuntivo delle emissioni aziendali che possa essere elemento fondamentale per riflettere su come e dove intervenire con progetti di miglioramento per la riduzione delle emissioni.

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