This educational event aims to educate the local population about sustainable usage of food and prevention of food waste through an interactive cooking show with innovative dishes based on local food.

Yearly every Croatian citizen throws away on average 75 kilograms of food. This means that about 380,000 tons of food are thrown away in Croatia every year. In Istria County the main cause of food waste is the excessive amount of prepared meals and excessive purchase of food. Istrians agree that throwing away food negatively affects the environment, but how to reduce food waste?

Our educational event aims to address this issue by demonstrating how to properly use food as a resource and minimise food waste through a live cooking performance of professional chefs. The goal of this event is to educate citizens and the public about the importance of sustainable usage of food and prevention of food waste from agriculture, gastronomy, tourism, trade and households. Already, on the occasion of the World Environment Day, an educational video has been filmed, in order to promote the upcoming event and to raise awareness regarding food waste.

Svaki Hrvat u prosjeku baci 75 kilograma hrane godišnje. To znači da se u Hrvatskoj svake godine baci oko 380.000 tona hrane. U Istarskoj županiji glavni krivac za nastanak otpada od hrane je prevelika količina pripremljenog obroka i prekomjerna kupovina namirnica. Istrijani se slažu da bacanje hrane negativno utječe na okoliš, ali kako smanjiti otpad od hrane?“

Naš edukativni događaj ima za cilj pokazati kako pravilno koristiti hranu kao resurs i minimizirati otpad od hrane kroz live cooking show od strane profesionalnih chefova kuhinje. Cilj ove manifestacije je educirati građane i javnost o važnosti održivog korištenja hrane i sprečavanja prehrambenog otpada iz poljoprivrede, gastronomije, turizma, trgovine i kućanstava. Već prigodom Svjetskog dana zaštite okoliša snimljen je edukativni video s ciljem promocije nadolazećeg događaja i podizanja svijesti o otpadu od hrane.

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