Forest Nation Day

Come join us in celebrating the Forest Nation Day on 18th September and choose the most suitable forest related event from various options available at

Come join us in celebrating the Forest Nation Day on 18th September and choose the most suitable forest related event from various options available at

Explore Estonia’s beautiful and well-managed forests, join excursions, visit different wood industry companies, learn about the lifecycle of a forest from forestry scientists and forest guardians. There are many activities on offer throughout Estonia, something in every county, both near towns as well as in the countryside. There are programmes suitable for families, but also for adults with deeper interest in a particular topic. During the day it is possible to learn how to survive in a forest, how to manage and protect the woodlands, about the chemical utilization of wood, about the environment and history of Estonian forests.

Tule 18. septembril Metsarahva päevale ja vali endale meelepärane ringkäik mitmekümne erineva metsaga seotud tegevuse hulgast:

Tutvu Eesti ilusate ja hoolitsetud metsadega, osale metsaretkedel, külasta ägedamaid puidutööstuseid ning õpi koos metsateadlaste ja metsahoidjatega tundma metsa eluringi. Tegevusi leidub igas Eesti maakonnas nii maal kui ka linnade lähedal. Valikus on programme peredele ja ka sügavama huviga täiskasvanutele. Päeva jooksul on võimalus omandada tarkusi metsas hakkama saamisest, metsa hoidmisest, puidu väärindamisest ning Eesti metsa loodusest ja ajaloost.                   

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