Festival WEP EFFECT 2020

THE TOPIC OF THE two-days FESTIVAL WEP EFFECT – Water Educational Program 2020: “EDUCATION
ON WATER – Sustainable communication with the public”

In the new post Covid-19 world, education about water is much needed from its health and general existential aspect as well as from the strategic or aspect of its conservation in nature. The story of water has never been more topical. Surrounded by uncertainty, we are looking for tools, advice and inspiration. The Water agency has been running educational programs Water Agent for seven years, giving great attention to washing hands and regularly hydrating. Instructed by experience during the COVID 19 crisis, we designed a new project of intergenerational connections “Washing hands protect your health”. With Festival WEP EFFFECT – Water Educational Program 2020, we want to show what these programs have been like so far and what is changing in them in the future. We would introduce that many water supply and water management companies and institutions work on educational programs. https://www.vodnaagencija.org/en/wep-effect-2020/

Povezovanje in sodelovanje vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov in izvajalcev javnih služb v lokalnem okolju je ključno za sodelovanje pri celovitem upravljanju z vodnimi viri in izvajanju neodtujljive pravice do pitne vode. S povezovanjem krepimo izobraževanje o lokalnih vodnih virih in njihovem varovanju za zdravo vodooskrbo. Mednarodni projekt Vodni agent že vrsto let vzpostavlja tovrstno sodelovanje. V okviru projekta se otroci in mladostniki izobražujejo o lokalnem okolju in vodnih virih ter osveščajo o nujnosti varovanja in odgovornega ravnanja z okoljem in vodnimi viri. V času prisotnosti COVID-19 je poleg racionalne rabe vode še kako pomembno osveščanje pomembnosti umivanja rok kot preventiva pred okužbo. V okviru Festivala bodo šole prestavile svoje aktivnosti in izkušnje s projektom Vodni agent. https://www.vodnaagencija.org/wep-effect-2020/

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