
A guided tour of Cyanometer – A Monument to the Blueness of the Sky and a Public instrument for air quality data by the author Martin Bricelj Baraga.

The cyanometer is a simple measuring tool, invented by Geneva-based scientist Horace Bénédict de Saussure in 1789. He systematically documented the blueness of the sky with his cyanometer, a simple circular tool with 53 shades of blue. He concluded that blueness is influenced by both moisture and the amount of suspended particles in the air.

The Cyanometer by Martin Bricelj Baraga is inspired by the original cyanometer. De Saussure’s blue color wheel forms the core of the monument, gently directing our gaze back to the sky. The monolith gathers data of the blueness of the sky and the quality of air and visualises them, thus becoming an instrument which raises awareness on the quality of one of the crucial elements of life.

Na ploščadi Ajdovščina stoji Cyanometer, monolit, ki meri modrino neba in prikazuje kakovost zraka v Ljubljani. Instalacija je kot instrument osveščanja o kakovosti zraka postavljena v okviru aktivnosti Ljubljane, Zelene prestolnice Evrope 2016.

Cyanometer je orodje, ki ga je leta 1789 zasnoval švicarski fizik in alpinist Horace-Bénédict de Saussure, da bi izmeril modrino neba in tako skušal napovedati vreme. Dobre tri metre visoka instalacija Martina Briclja Barage, ki bo v središču Ljubljane stala do konca leta, pa je poklon izvirnemu cyanometru.

Cyanometer je povezan z merilnim mestom ARSO Ljubljana Bežigrad, zato je na njem v realnem času prikazana stopnja onesnaženosti zraka.

Gre za monument in program, ki periodično fotografira nebo. Fotografije nato nalaga na spletno stran, kjer identificira ustrezen odtenek modrine na de Saussurjevi barvni skali. Cyanometer je energijsko popolnoma samozadosten, saj za delovanje uporablja sončno energijo.

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