Creative Recycling Workshops

On the occasion of World Environment Day, Renault Romania and the Workshops Without Borders Association are organizing a children-oriented event focused on the3 Rs: reduction, reuse and recycling.

On the occasion of World Environment Day, on June 6 2015, Renault Romania and the Workshops Without Borders Association are organizing a children-oriented event focused on the 3 Rs: reduction, reuse and recycling.

As part of a long collaboration between Renault Romania and AFF and as a practical implementation of circular economy and sustainable development principles, we will host a series of creative workshops designed to stimulate the curiosity of children to learn how to reuse a variety of WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) components and used advertising banners and mesh to create their own jewelry, accessories and other useful or decorative objects.

The creative recycling workshops will be animated by the AFF team and our partners from the Creative Recycling community, while the children of Renault Romania employees are expected to give new life to waste, under the DIY (do it yourself) concept.

Cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale a Mediului Inconjurator, Renault Romania si Asociatia “Ateliere Fara Frontiere” organizeaza pe 6 iunie 2015 un eveniment pe tema celor 3 “R”: reducerea, reutilizarea si reciclarea deseurilor, pe intelesul copiilor.

Ca parte a unei colaborari indelungate dintre Renault Romania si AFF si vizand implementarea practica a principiilor de economie circulara si dezvoltare durabila, vom gazdui o serie de ateliere creative menite sa le trezeasca curiozitatea celor mici si sa- invete cum sa reutilizeze o varietate de componente de DEEE-uri (deseuri de echipamente electrice si electronice) , dar si bannere si mesh-uri publicitare uzate pentru a-si crea singuri bijuterii, accesorii si alte obiecte utile sau decorative.

Atelierele vor fi animate de echipa AFF si partenerii de la Reciclare Creativa, in vreme ce copiii angajatilor Renault Romania sunt asteptati sa dea o noua viata deseurilor, conform conceptului DIY (do it yourself).

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