Community based healthreach

HIV, hepatitis and STIs public health breakpoint in Croatia is in those uneducated and undiagnosed, so weight should be given to education and testing initiatives by reaching population at high risk.

We have witnessed a number of challenges in meeting public health objectives and responses to key topics of public health, especially if we talk about HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections. Community based organizations (CBOs) are an important part in the health care system as it they organize and provide numerous, often very valuable programs and services for members of the community. They represent an upgrade of the health system in those segments of the health care system that can not be fully covered, and are needed to achieve public health goals.HIV, hepatitis and STIs public health breakpoint in Croatia is in those uneducated and undiagnosed, so weight should be given to education and testing initiatives by reaching population at high risk.CheckPoint Zagreb initiative is aimed at youth and adults with increased risk of STIs with gouals of education about sexual and reproductive health, STDs prevention and possibility of voluntary HIV and hepatitis C testing.

Svjedoci smo brojnih izazova u ispunjavanju javnozdravstvenih ciljeva i odgovora na ključne teme javnog zdravstva, pogotovo u području HIV/AIDS-a, hepatitisa i spolno prenosivih infekcija (SPI). Organizacije civilnog društva važan su dionik zdravstvenog sustava jer da organiziraju i pružaju brojne, često vrlo vrijedne programe za društvenu zajednicu. Oni predstavljaju nadogradnju zdravstvenog sustava u onim segmentima koje ne može potpuno zahvatiti, a potrebni su za ostvarenje javnozdravstvenih ciljeva. Budući da je prijelomna točka kaskade javnog zdravlja, skrbi i liječenja u Hrvatskoj u needuciranim i nedijagnosticiranim osobama, fokus treba staviti na inicijative edukacije i dobrovoljnog testiranja radeći na dosegu osoba u visokom riziku od zaraze.Inicijativa CheckPoint Zagreb namijenjena je adolescentima i odraslima s povećanim rizicima od zaraze SPI, s ciljevima edukacije o spolnom i reproduktivnom zdravlju, prevenciji SPI i mogućnosti dobrovoljnog testiranja na HIV i hepatitis C.

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